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Climate Change and Coastal Resiliency Webinar - Becoming Resilient – Addressing Aging Infrastructure in the Face of Climate Change 

Join us for ASCE/SEI webinar series to listen to Respectable Local Consultants and Scholars. 1 PDH will be given at this webinar. 

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Webinars will Cover Variety of Topics on Climate Change and Coastal Resiliency and will Provide Updates on Exciting Projects.

December 16, 2020 (12 pm - 1 pm)Becoming Resilient – Addressing Aging Infrastructure in the Face of Climate Change by Uday Khambhammettu

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 2017 Infrastructure Report Card has ranked our national infrastructure status as D+, and specifically, the bridge infrastructure scored a C+. The report also indicates that 9.1 percent of our national bridges were structurally deficient in 2016, and the average life of a bridge in the United States is 43 years old. Adding to the complexity of aging infrastructure, extreme weather conditions and climate change are further accelerating the failure of our built environment. While these are all sobering facts, adaptive design strategies, and resilient planning provides a reliable methodology to fix our critical bridge infrastructure. The primary focus of this presentation will be to discuss the future weather patterns in increased rainfall and Sea-Level Rise, uncertainty in the predictions, and how adaptive design strategies can help mitigate the risk to build a more robust and resilient infrastructure.

Uday has 16 years of experience and believes climate change and resilience will play a crucial role in addressing our stormwater infrastructure. His work focuses on advising and consulting with various public utilities and public works in preparing their capital improvements projects while integrating adaptive strategies to make the projects resilient and climate change ready. As a water resource engineer Uday focuses on hydraulic and hydrological modeling to optimize stormwater infrastructure. Uday is a 2013 graduate of Water Environment Federation’s Water Leadership Institute and a recipient of Engineering News Record (ENR) Mid-Atlantic’s 2019 Top Young Professionals.